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Peri-peri chicken livers, bone marrow & fillet steak

Sometimes the most succulent, decadent & delicious foods can be made with a simple skillet, some bones and a fire... You don't need a chef's kitchen for this masterpiece of a meal. Read below how to make peri-peri chicken livers with bone marrow and fillet steak in nature's kitchen!
What you’ll need
2 tablespoons butter
500 g chicken livers cleaned and trimmed
3 garlic cloves crushed
3-4 tablespoons peri-peri sauce
Freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 lemon)
½ cup cream
chopped parsley
Cream of Chicken Soup
300g Fillet Steak
Bone Marrow Bones (roughly 3 bones) cut in half
Balsamic Vinegar
Worcestershire sauce
Mixed herbs
Braai spice
What to do:
Spice the fillet steak with braai spice, rosemary, Worcestershire sauce and balsamic vinegar and leave in the fridge overnight. Prepare a medium heat braai fire and Pre-heat a pan or skillet to high heat. Trim the livers of any excess fat and pat them dry.
Cook your bone marrow and fillet on the fire. When braaiing the bone marrow portions begin with the portions face down over the fire until the exposed marrow is golden brown, afterwards turning them over and braaiing some more until the marrow begins to bubble and can easily be lifted using a spoon. When your steak is braaied to your preference take it off the fire and cut it into strips.
Add butter to the skillet and fry the tomato and onion. Add the livers, allowing them to brown well on each side. Be careful not to ad to many livers at a time to the skillet to ensure that they sear evenly. Once browned add peri-peri sauce, fillet, bone marrow and garlic. When the garlic is ready and the peri-peri has begun to dry add the cream, cream of chicken soup & squeezed lemon juice. Season to taste while you let it simmer for an additional 5 minutes or so.
Serve with a starch, we chose our favourite… pap!
Did you try out this recipe, or do you have your own special way of doing livers? Let us know in the comments!

Did you try out this recipe, or do you have your own special way of doing livers? Let us know in the comments!

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